~~NOTOC~~ ====== AutoBook Clip Manager ====== {{:logitope_banner.png|}} **Capture Everything**\\ Capture and store everything that goes through your Windows clipboard, remove duplicates. **Paste in the Blink of an Eye**\\ Paste a clip by double-clicking a row or typing a number from 0 to 9. **Search faster than ever before**\\ Easily search by date range or text length, restrict the search to any column, find in AND mode, search for strings or switch to RegEx for full flexibility. ---- ====== About AutoBook Clip Manager ====== A software that may transform how you manage your clipboard. With a minimal interface featuring multiple search functions, AutoBook makes your clipboard easily accessible at your fingertips, preserving your clips for months, years, or even a lifetime. Unlike default Windows Clipboard, AutoBook stores everything you copied, and allow you to recall all of your previous clips with powerful search functions. With AutoBook Clip Manager, you can either: * Search through your clip history and within a long clip. * Edit your keywords and clip content. * Create/Load/Add to/Rename/Delete your saved Pin sets and Clip Searches. * Cycle between all clips, clips used before, and clips never used. * Activate/Inactivate Always-on-top option, Bump mode. ====== Features ====== **Paste in the Blink of an Eye**\\ Press the hotkey CTRL + ⊞ Win + V. The list of your clips pops into the foreground immediately. Paste a clip by double-clicking a row or typing a number from 0 to 9. **Edit your clips**\\ You can assign keywords or edit your clipboard within AutoBook. You edit will be saved automatically. **Advanced Features for Unprecendented Efficiency** * Save Pin Sets to re-pin collections of useful clips. * Save frequently run searches. * Enlarge the Preview to up to 25 rows. * Click the column headers to cycle column-specific settings such as filters. * Choose and switch between various modes. * Combine searches to generate precise results * Use Alternative Hotkey for copying ====== Screenshots ====== {{:image_2024-09-18_140707861.png?|}}  {{:image_2024-09-18_140707861.png?|}}   {{:image_2024-09-18_141327982.png?|}}   {{:image_2024-09-18_141434394.png?|}}  ---- **System requirements**\\ - Software:\\ MS Windows 11/10/8/Vista\\ - Hardware:\\ Effective FullHD resolution (for Extraction Wizard and Data Viewer)\\ **⯈ [[manual|Auto Book User Manual]]** **⯈ [[http://forum.logitope.com|Auto Book Forum]]** ===== Download AutoBook Clip Manager ===== Download AutoBook for Windows 10/11 (24.09.18 v1.78) [[https://www.logitope.com/autobook/autobook.zip|Download Auto Book ZIP-Archive]] **⯈ User Manual** **⯈ [[installing|Installation & troubleshooting guide]]** **⯈ [[latest-version|Change notes & older releases]]**